Deccan Maratha Education Association
Deccan Maratha Association is best for different education services. It is governed by past Students. Its completely focused to distribute its services to students of all social and economical levels.
Deccan Maratha Education Society is 133 years old education institution. It helps financially gives aids to economically weak students. Institution has been serving the society with commitment and dedication.
Helping and providing all type of Educational Assistance to the students of the Maratha community from all over India.
To provide scholarships , hostel and mess facilities , Job training to the poor and promising students of the Maratha community in all type of education.
Running Deccan Maratha Education Association on the path set by Honorable Gangarambhau Mhaske in social and educational sector.
Beneficiaries of Gangarambhau's philanthropy are the facilitators of many educational institutions started fifty years ago in rural Maharashtra.
A group does not necessarily constitute a team. Teams normally have members with complementary skills and generate synergy through a coordinated effort which allows each member to maximize their strengths and minimize their weaknesses.
Reach us to find more about scholerships for undergraduate,postgraduate students in technical Science, Commerce,Engineering & Educational streams.
991, Shukrawar Peth,
Mhaske Smarak Mandir,Tilak
Road,Pune - 411002.
020 - 24468141
+91 7028205374